New "Virtual Winery" Page


Channeling our super serious movie trailer voice:

“Dale Hollow Winery presents: a new portal on the website hereby referred to as the “Virtual Winery Experience”. This page will include various multimedia content on the grapes we grow, the wines we make, and anything else wine related. Prepare your five senses for wine sippin’, grape learnin’, and all the fun that can be had in the tasting room and vineyard. Will additional content be added to cover other topics at a future date? It is possible. Stay tuned. Grape growing and wine making will never be the same. Coming 2020.”

We will be adding videos to our website now and in the future to enhance the virtual experience. As we’ve been emphasizing in 2020, curbside pick-up, local delivery, and seasonal shipping are here to stay at the winery and we want to make the digital experience as helpful as possible. Now when shopping online, you can watch videos to learn wine styles, pairing ideas, and the grapes we use for the wines. Curbside and local delivery will be available year-round going forward.

The tasting videos will be released and available on the “Virtual Winery” page. They will also show up on certain product pages when you are shopping different wines.

The first video, LakeHouse, can be found on the “Virtual Tasting” page:.

The next series could be called Dale Hollow Winery Grapes 101, but we will just call it “Grape Growing” as it sounds less like, “Oh, shoot this almost sounds like college please don’t watch this”. We love all the inquisitiveness we get at the winery related to the grapes we grow; because let’s face it, it’s not something you see every day. It takes a certain amount of.. let’s call it persistence (sounds way better than crazy).

This second avenue on the Virtual Winery will have quick videos and a picture of each of the grapes we grow. New videos will be added as they get closer to maturity:

We hope you enjoy the new Virtual Winery experience! Our goal is to continue to add new content in the future (probably this winter, after the busy harvest season), which could include cooking and pairing demonstrations, wine related travel, or Asher and Jesse simply arguing the merits of one grape vs another. The sky is the limit!